For the first time in 26 years, OSHA is increasing their monetary penalty charge. Moving forward, they will adjust for inflation based on the Consumer Price Index. Adjusting the penalties should lead to significant benefits for workers and responsible employers. The new civil penalty amounts are applicable only to civil penalties assessed after Aug. 1, 2016, whose associated violations occurred after Nov. 2, 2015. To provide guidance on the implementations of the new policies, OSHA will issue revisions to it’s Field Operations Manual by August 1st. To address the impact of these penalty increases on smaller businesses, OSHA will continue to provide penalty reductions based on the size of the employer and other factors.
Type of Violation Current Maximum Penalty New Maximum Penalty
Serious $7,000 per violation $12,471 per violation
Posting Requirements
Failure to Abate $7,000 per day beyond the abatement date $12,471 per day beyond the abatement rate
Willful or Repeated $70,000 per vi0lation $124,709 per violation
Click here for the OSHA Fact Sheet